Corkulous allows to group multiple items. Once grouped, when selecting an item, all the items in the group are selected. The group may be dragged around the board to reposition. There are menus and shortcuts to set size of multiple selected items.
Select Items
To select one or more items-such as contacts, emails, files, shapes, or photos-do any of the following:
Select an item on macOS: Move the pointer over the item, then click it. On iPadOS or iOS just tap the item.
Select multiple items using a keyboard/traackpad/mouse: Click the canvas and drag. On iPadOS or iOS just tap the canvas and drag with your finger.
Select multiple items that are next to each other: Click or tap one item at time.
Grouping Items
Group Items: On iPadOS/macOS Select multiple items and use the group button in the navigation bar. The group button will change state. On iPhone use the ... button and select Group.
Ungroup Items: Go through the same process to group items.
Size Items on the Board
Add the Sizing Button to the Toolbar: On iPadOS/macOS make certain the alignment button is added first. Tap the ... menu button to customize the toolbar. Drag the size button on to the toolbar.
Set Item Size: On iPadOS/macOS select the items you wish to resize and use the menu to choose the size style. On iPhone select the items you wish to size items. Tap one of the items after selecting to bring up the menu. Scroll the menu with the arrow and select size. Finally choose the size sytle to resize the items.